Independent advice

Only around 2% of financial advisers in Australia are declared independent.
We are.

Unbiased and transparent advice

Because we are independent, we receive no financial benefit for any recommendation we make, meaning we provide truly unbiased advice tailored to the specific needs of each client.

No commissions

We receive no commissions for any products or solutions we recommend to our clients.

No affiliations or in-house products

We receive no benefit for, and have no obligation to, recommend any particular product. We are free to pick and choose strategies and investments that are in our clients’ best interests.

No transactional fees

We receive no transactional fees and don’t ‘clip the ticket’ when clients buy or sell investments.

Self licenced

We operate under our own licence, and as such, are not controlled or influenced by any other organisation. Our decisions are made solely based on what is best for our clients.

Purely fee for service

As independent advisers, we charge clients a fixed annual fee based on the work required to manage their affairs. This is the only form of remuneration we ever receive, and we never benefit from additional revenue like commission.

Independent Financial Advisers – Brisbane

Approximately 2% of financial advisors in Australia are independent; the vast majority are affiliated with large banks or institutions, have in-house products, and receive commissions.

Our independence is part of who we are. We exist to provide truly client-centric thinking, and our view is that the only way to ensure this is to be a truly independent organisation.

Facts & figures

Numbers that speak for themselves

Finding the right Financial Adviser can have a huge impact on your financial position. Oxlade Financial has proven performance.

Enjoy the life
you’ve worked
so hard for.